Marking Pancake Day
Marking Pancake Day
The children had an amazing time at the Gordon Craig Theatre watching 'The Smartest Giant in Town'.
They caught the train from Hitchin Station and remembered all the rules they had learnt about staying safe near railways.
After the show, they enjoyed a packed lunch picnic in the classrooms!
The children have been making the most of the different areas in Discover and Do.
They have been looking for opportunities to keep fit, practise new skills and reinforce previous learning. They also enjoy times to play imaginatively, look at books and mark make.
This week the children have learnt all about the importance of being safe at railway stations in preparation for their trip to Stevenage on the train.
Later in the week, they had an online story and talked with Chi Ming Lai, the Active and Safer Travel Officer from Herts County Council. They learnt all about safe behaviour when travelling in a car.
The children have lots of opportunities to design, create and evaluate during their daily Discover and Do sessions. They can design and make in the 'Junk Modelling Area', build and design in the 'Indoor Construction Area' or go big and design and build on a larger scale in the 'Outdoor Construction Area'. Then it's time to reflect on the job.
Just look at how creative they have been!
The children spent time learning about all the different homes that exist around the local area and around the world. They also compared old houses to new houses and how homes have changed over time. This included going out for a walk in the local area.
They then looked at the artist, Paul Horton, and investigated the use of watercolours to paint houses using techniques and colours similar to his.
All the children got to have a go at making a 'home' using resources in the 'Junk Modelling' and 'Creative Area'.
The children had a wonderful time learning all about Diwali. It was so nice to have a parent come in and talk to the children about what it was like for their family during this Festival of Light.
The children explored Divas and coloured in bright Rangoli patterns.
Oak and Ash spend time learning about their first focus artist.
The children were visited today by Sarah Mullins the library manager at Hitchin Library.
She came to talk to the children all about the promotion 'My First Library Adventure'. She also spoke to the children about the library and all that it offers.
We look forward to visiting next year!
The children had a visit from one of our Reception families who have links to Italy!
The children heard all about the country and were taught some words and phrases.
They learnt about Italian food and even got to watch pasta being made!
Just a week in and the children have been spending time getting to know each other and their teachers