SEND Social Media Takeover

Voices of Hertfordshire are planning a SEND Social Media Takeover.
On 3rd December, Voices of Hertfordshire will be using their social media platforms to post content about what young people with special educational needs and disabilities in Hertfordshire think, feel and experience. This could be in the form of a short video, a poem or a drawing etc. They are asking the social media post to be titled or include the words ‘This is Me’ and for it to include any of the following points:
- Do they have a hidden disability?
- How do they make themselves heard?
- What support have they found most useful?
- What is important for people to know about them?
- Anything else they feel changemakers from health, social care, education should know that will help shape SEND policy and practice?
If you and your child would like to take part, they are asking that you upload your child’s video, poem, drawing etc to your social media account on Tuesday 3rd December using #SENDtakeover2024 and with the following tags:
@VoicesofHertfordshire @Hertscc @hccfyp @justtalkherts @herts_cypt @hct_schoolnursing
@hertscountycouncil @HertfordshireSENDLocalOffer @HCTCYPT
@Hertscc @Herts_CYPT