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HPCI Parent Carer Meeting

Herts Parent Carer Involvement meeting at William Ransom on Wednesday 9th October

William Ransom Primary School is participating in the Partnership for Inclusion of Neurodiversity in Schools (PINS) programme, which aims to improve support for children with additional needs. The programme is funded by NHS England, in partnership with the Department of Education, Department for Health and Social Care and the National Network of Parent Carer Forums (NNPCF).  

We recently asked you to fill out a survey to help us understand how families and the school can work together to improve support for children. The survey was run through the Herts Parent Carer Involvement (HPCI). Following on from this, HPCI will be running the first coffee morning on the 9th October 9-10:30am where they would like to discuss the results of the survey, hear your views and experiences of the services delivered by the school in order to shape future planning and to build a lasting channel of communication between parent carers and the school. To find out more about HPCI, please visit their website ( 

If you would like to come to the coffee morning on 9th October, please let them know using the QR code on the flyer below. Alternatively, you can just let the school office know.