Year 5 Rap!

The spring term was concluded with a fun and creative English topic: Rap music. Following on from looking at this genre in Music, children further deepened their knowledge and opinions of different types of rap music, before researching, planning and writing their own raps.
This could have been on a topic of their choice, and we discussed the necessary inspiration needed in order to find motivation for that chosen theme. We had a wide range of topics, including nagging grown-ups, food, sport and gaming.
Children collaborated in order to help each other find the best rhyming couplets, using the most succinct vocabulary choices they could. They then wrote their raps, which included two verses and a hook.
The teachers then “dropped” a beat for them to practise to, which they all took very seriously, making sure they were clear on the rhythms they wanted to use.
A rap performance ensued, with every child at least performing their rap to their learning partner; however, many were brave enough to perform theirs to their whole class , or even the whole of year 5! The teachers were really impressed and very entertained with the creativity and imagination Year 5 displayed. Well done!