A Great Start in Holly
Holly class are off to a flying start! The children have been busy learning lots of new things in all our subjects. Here's a snapshot of some of the things they've been up to...
In outdoor PE, the children have been learning football skills - focusing on dribbling and passing.
The children learnt all about the parts of the body, including their senses, in science and discovered how some animals have super senses to help them find food.
In our art lessons we have been looking at spirals in nature and creating spiral patterns of our own using different media. They also created some interesting patterns in computing using a paint program in Purple Mash.
The children showed how they can balance in different ways using large and small body parts during our indoor PE lessons.
We started talking about different religions in RE and how they show their thankfulness for nature in different ways.
In Maths, the children have been recognising, representing and comparing numbers to 10 using resources to support them, such as ten frames. We have been focusing on the four sentence rules in English - capital letters, finger spaces, full stops and checking it makes sense!