Autumn Term in Year 6
Year 6 had a very busy first term, with lots of visitors coming in to see us, as well as some fun lessons, trips, clubs and matches.
In the autumn term, Maths lessons focused on revising place value and the four mathematical operations, before moving on to some new topics, such as algebra. There’s always time for a maths game or two though!
In Science, we have been joined by a Science teacher from HGS who will visit us again a few more times throughout the year. The first session was linked to our Science topic and had the children looking through owl pellets for tiny skeletons! We’ve also started looking into Evolution and Inheritance recently and the children found out about survival of the fittest when trying to collect ‘seeds’ with their adapted ‘beaks’.
In English, we’ve enjoyed reading the book ‘Wonder’ as well as extracts from Harry Potter. The children loved performing some performance poetry before Christmas and a few children were thrilled to perform at the Carol Service. We’ve also created some brilliant explanation texts in English, about the circulatory system to link with our Science topic. Our favourite thing to do in English (when we’re not busy writing) is drama and role play!
In PE we’ve learnt to play netball, football and more recently have started tag rugby and badminton. We also enjoyed the chance to show off our skills in gym and dance and we have some wonderful performers in both!
We’ve loved improving our sketching in art this year and plan to design and make a clay pot/vase. We attempted printing in D&T (after making our own repeated pattern in the style of William Morris) and even managed to plan and make three different seasonal foods – jam tarts, fruity cupcakes and stuffed peppers. Thanks for reading! 🙂