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A great start to the new term in Year 6

We've had a very busy first half-term in Year 6.

In Maths this half-term, we revised our knowledge of place value and the four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division). This will help us after half-term when we move on to fractions. 

In English, we've been getting stuck into Year 6 spelling and grammar as well as enjoying some new class reading books. We've looked at the books 'The Promise' and 'The Wind in the Wall' so far, which both led to some incredible story writing from the children.

As well as our core and foundation subject learning, we've been busy this half-term with visits from Phase, sports clubs and fixtures and our first trip - to Crucial Crew. We've also been paired up with our Reception Buddies and shared a story with them in their learning environment as well as helping out with their autumn scavenger hunt! 

We enjoyed Roald Dahl day, an NSPCC assembly and a visit from Night Owls. Another highlight was Festival of Languages day and tasting some yummy food at the Food Around the World event. More recently we learnt about Harvest and the Shoebox appeal and spent an afternoon making clay poppies to create a Remembrance Day display around the school. We've also really enjoyed using our new Chromebooks to help support our learning.

Next half-term, we have two more trips to look forward to, as well as more visitors, enrichment days, sports events and buddy meet-ups to enjoy.

It's going to be a busy year!